We have to give a heads-up about a rather dubious individual coursing through antifascist crowds.
From Vermont
In Jan of 2023 former Socialist Party Candidate Brian P Moore approached the Green Mountain Peace and Justice Party hat in hand asking to be our 2024 Presidential Candidate. We then managed to arrange a zoom meeting with most of our active party members to speak to Moore. We first discussed the party platform, which Moore said he supported, however a member insisted that we go through the platform point by point. Moore claimed to support all the points, but did raise some questions about the anti-nuclear power plank of the platform. Next i asked about his positions on trans rights, Antifa and Ukraine.
Moore’s position on Ukraine was pretty much in line with the propaganda coming out of some right wing media and out of the Kremlin. His position was that the 2014 Maidan revolution in Ukraine was a US backed coup against the past government. While he was against the war in Ukraine he seemed to be more sympathetic to the position of the Russia-backed Donbass Republics. Asked about trans-rights, he said he supported them, claiming that he has trans family members. The conversation then moved on to the subject of Antifa.
Moore strongly stated that Antifa was to blame for “starting the violence in (sic) Charlotte”. I mentioned that i was right there when the Nationalist Front – National Socialist Movement, Traditionalist Workers Party, League of the South and some KKK groups – plowed into the crowd starting the fight. He temporarily backed down from that position and the subject drifted to how US police kill over 1000 people every year. Moore had little to say about that and simply let the statement seemingly drift by.
Later i sent him a list of various Antifa publications so he could educate himself on what the antifascist side was saying, rather than whatever right-wing media anti-Antifa furor he was reading. Things got way worse at this point. I will be quoting some of his emails.
Brian Moore says in an email:
“My point is I am against violence, no matter who conducts it. It was Antifa who appeared In Charlottesville without a permit to protest, while the White Supremacists did have a Permit. Antifa had no business being there, violated the law, and started the physical Confrontation with their bats and chains.”
In typical right wing authoritarian fashion he trots out the old “outside agitator” narrative used so often by opponents of civil rights in the 1960’s and equates holding a PERMIT with moral rightness. I might have a reading problem since I never noticed permits being mentioned in the text of the 1st amendment.
In this next quote he puts out the identical position that the ‘Unite the Right’ organizers pushed regarding James Fields, the man who murdered Heather Heyer and gravely injured many more.
“Even the 20-year old driving the car that killed the leftist protester (he received a life sentence) was surrounded by protesters, no police present, was scared for his safety and panicked. All of the bloodshed could have been avoided if all parties had played by the rules.”
In this case he ignores the fact that the far right participants PLANNED the violence on their chat and many even fantasized on those chats about doing car attacks.
After all this i decided to do a little research on Brian Moore. Apparently he is a perennial candidate. He has run as a Republican, a Democrat, a Green and as a Socialist Party Candidate. He even gathered enough signatures in Vermont to run in the Liberty Union Presidential race in 2008. He was also in the Peace and Freedom Party presidential election that year.
After all the reactionary things he said in his emails I did not think it could get worse but the more I dug the more I was proven wrong. In 2022 he ran for Florida State Senate and in an article written for the Citrus County Chronicle, it describes how the Florida Green Party withdrew the nomination for their own candidate due to his deplorable actions and positions. “Moore, 79, said he doesn’t believe former Minnesota cop Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of murdering African-American George Floyd, got a fair trial,” the article noted. Later on, the article states that he once wore a Confederate shirt to an event in Hernando County, Folrida. “The Confederate symbol, he said, does not stand for hate or racism. Rather, it honors those Americans “who stood up for what they believed in,” Moore said.”
This would seem to explain his apparent sympathy for the organizers of the 2017 “Unite The Right” rally.
Looking at his candidate profile on Facebook the picture only gets grimmer and uglier. There are many posts linked to his twopartytyranny.org website. Many of the more inflammatory posts are deleted on his site, however Facebook links to those posts, their headlines and archive.org backups exist for many of them. Brian, if you are reading this piece there is no need to delete more links. We have saved local backups of these posts and links. Antifa saves ! The internet never forgives or forgets.
Moore claims he comes to these conclusions about Derek Chauvin because he is a civil libertarian who believes in fairness, equity and due process however he apparently fails to take into account the fact that police are given more than equity in the USA, they are given impunity to kill and are rarely ever convicted or even charged with wrongdoing. His echoing of the pro-confederate line is hardly defensible in modern society.
Before i end the written part of the article and begin a dump of screenshots of the most horrible things Moore believes i will leave you the worst of his beliefs.
In Brian Moore’s letter to the Tampa Bay Times published on July 11th 2021 Moore writes:
“Claiming that George Floyd died under a cops knee is not courageous, fair or accurate. The writers judgmental opinion is not based on evidence, but on opinion and prejudice.
Officer Chauvin was denied his due processl his conviction was biased by partial videos posted worldwide, 10 months prior to Chauvin’s own opportunity to defend himself.”
The far right tried to blame George Floyds death on a drug overdose. This scurrilous lie was debunked.
In the same letter Moore tries to deflect accusations of extreme racism by talking about his black childhood friends. Sorry, Brian, in the modern day and age that defense does not work.
In line with his defense of Derek Chauvin, Moore spent considerable amounts of time lobbying that police be allowed to withhold videos of police brutality and murder. Allowing police to hide their wrongdoing is incompatible with the transparency needed to maintain the minimum amount of governmental wrongdoing and impunity.
In the following screenshot Moore puts forth his defense of modern day supporters of the confederacy.
While most on the left would agree with him that the public should not be funding privately owned sports teams the fact that he is quoting the far right Americans for Prosperity which was founded by the right wing Libertarians – the Koch brothers shows you where he is coming from.
I would URGE any left leaning groups to avoid any involvement with Brian P Moore. If you control media platforms, do not give this individual a platform to spread his deplorable and disgusting views. If he comes to you hat in hand, send him packin’.
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