We need to know who this child is so their parents can be alerted, but we already know who Sayed “Robbie” Javid is, and folks just about had enough of him.
Sayed “Robbie” Javid is a problem.
The Fairfax/Alexandria, Va resident is known to law enforcement, having called 911 four years ago with a fake burglary report and then threatened the police who responded by waving a starter pistol at them. He seemingly he retains a large collection of disturbing and violent content that he publishes for the benefit of his cohorts in hate groups such as the Legion of St. Ambrose, National Socialist Club Dixie, and Patriot Front. One of the more recent videos may be the most disturbing: a Black toddler being harassed by someone asking him racist questions, such as “Are you a N—–?”
On September 21 at 2:47pm, Javid posted a video on the ReformTheStates Telegram account, an account of which he has been determined to be the owner of. The video depicts a young Black child playing with jack-o-lanterns on a wooden deck, while someone off camera asks the child a series of progressively racist questions, ending with “Are you a n—–?” asked multiple times in a hushed, cloying tone of voice. It is not known if Javid shot this video himself if this is part of a collection he has maintained of people assaulting children, such as one he posted days earlier of a Houthi prisoner being executed by a ISIL-YP (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant- Yemen Province) unit. Similar to other social media platforms, Telegram users can re-post content from other channels on their channel and doing so displays a “Forwarded From” tag before the originator of the post, so it is possible to track the ownership of specific content. The video of the child has no “Forwarded From” tag, suggesting the video came directly from Javid.
The subject of two previous exposures on Twitter, Javid is a beekeeper who works for a company called Virginia Honeybees on the 5600 block of Overly Drive in Alexandria. His truck, a white, late model Ford F-150, even bears a “Save Bees Not Refugees” sticker on its left rear window. WeWillBeRuthless began their chronicle of Javid’s behavior with his activism for Patriot Front, a neo-nazi group that is an offshoot of Vanguard America, a group that now faces massive legal challenges stemming from the neo-nazi car ramming attack in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017. Javid once ran a Telegram channel titled Sons of Colombia, and intermixed Patriot Front propaganda with famous paintings of the American Revolutionary War. After his exposure in January, 2020, Javid’s Telegram channel gradually became dormant and it was not until August 2020 that he was exposed again, this time as the person behind the Telegram account “ReformTheStates.” Here, Javid allied himself with The Legion Of St. Ambrose, a splinter group of the Matthew Heimbach-led Traditional Workers Party; he also allied himself with the group “National Socialist Club: Dixie.”
Happy Monday everyone 🙂 Let’s ring in September by reacquainting ourselves with Virginia neo-Nazi and NSC Dixie affiliate Sayed “Robbie” Javid, now known by “Reform the States”. Robbie is an explicitly genocidal neo-Nazi, so lets get to know him a bit better!
— Garfield but Anti-Fascist (@AntifaGarfield) August 31, 2020
CW on this thread pic.twitter.com/3gzxrIo9HD
In a marked departure from his previous content, ReformTheStates consists primarily of military field manuals involving guerilla warfare, ISIL execution videos, extremely violent anti-semitic rants, and videos of Javid himself placing nazi stickers on street signs. Instead of slowing his posting tempo, Javid increased the amount and severity of his content.
The identity of the child or the location of where the video was shot is unknown.
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