Aug. 12, 2017. Millie Weaver in Charlottesville, VA with neo-Fascist William Fears behind her. Fears along with his brother and a family friend would later be arrested for shooting at antifa after a Gainesville, FL public speaking appearance by Richard Spencer. Fears is currently serving five years in a Texas prison for assaulting his girlfriend.
The fact that the arrest is on a “secret indictment” is bound to be the thing of conspiracies, ya think?
DIAMOND, OH – Millicent F. “Millie” Weaver, a right wing propagandist who is best known for her work with the conspiracy theory outlet Infowars, and covered the tragic Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA for them, was taken into custody along with husband Gavin Wince by police at their home on a grand jury indictment, according to the video of the arrest that she herself livestreamed on her Facebook page.
In the video, Weaver, 29, is seen talking with an officer who noted that she was being arrested on the indictment and called for a vehicle to go to “9107 Yale Rd,” which online records have shown is a home in Diamond, which is just outside Akron and where she and Wince are listed as residents, although her Facebook page says she is living in Austin, Texas. Wince can be heard in the video saying she was being arrested for burglary.
According to Portage County, Ohio officials, the arrest stems from a secret grand jury indictment from the county. Many of Weaver’s supporters have raised without evidence that the charges were federal, and also suggested that she was being arrested just as she was about to release a new documentary.
A onetime model from California in her teenage years, Weaver began working for Alex Jones’ Infowars in 2012 and has championed many of the outlet’s conspiracy theory efforts. An ardent Trump supporter, Weaver humiliated herself after Facebook removed the Infowars page there, saying incorrectly that because Facebook was a publicly-traded company, it did not have the right to do so. While reporting at the Charlottesville rally, she argued with several antifascists briefly and has claimed to have been attacked by antifa because of “the lies and the propaganda that the mainstream media spreads about us and Infowars.”
At the time of this posting, the Weavers are being held at the Portage County Jail.
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