Let’s face it, Jovi Val is a damn art project. And this is why we call them boneheads.
WASHINGTON, DC – Neo-Fascist activist Jovanni Valle, aka Jovi Val wasn’t expected to have a large number of participants in Saturday’s rally outside the White House in support of fellow hatemongers currently incarcerated for violent crimes, and while the five that joined him was seen as nothing more than a spectacle, the event still resulted in a shouting match and four people arrested after a balloon filled with paint was thrown at the onetime Proud Boy.
The balloon incident happened early in the rally while Valle was speaking via megaphone outside the White House and a balloon nearly missed him. Police chased down and arrested several persons, and video showing the incident also shows Valle slipping and falling down onto his back while people around him laughed. There were no reports of injuries, and Valle spent the next several hours arguing with onlookers and counter-protesters. At one point early on, a loud discussion among the five participants about masturbation was cut short when a member of One People’s Project admonished them for talking that way around children.
Valle touted his rally as a “Justice is Blind” rally, and it was held to show support for the number of White nationalists that have been jailed for their roles in violent assaults, most notably those who participated in such in Charlottesville such as James Fields, who was convicted of killing Heather Heyer when he drove his car into a crowd, and members of the neo-Nazi Rise Above Movement, who was rounded up over a year after the “Unite the Right” rally for their roles there. Valle also said he was there for the members of the Proud Boys and 211 Boot Boys who were arrested and charged with assault and other charges following the incident at the Manhattan Republican Club in October where Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes spoke that evening. The Proud Boys however put out statements saying that Valle was no longer a Proud Boy and that they did not support his rally. Valle responded in a video calling them “self loathing whites”, for making a Black man their leader after McInnes quit the group he founded, and that despite the fact that, in his words, “This was actually a group that was focused on White men who didn’t have a voice in America,” they were “not a White Nationalist group…anymore!”
Valle has been one of the more recognizable Proud Boys due to a number of antics he has participated in, mostly claims of being violently attacked for being a Trump supporter. He was last in Lafayette Park to participate in the second “Unite the Right” rally on the anniversary of the Charlottesville rally alongside its organizer Jason Kessler and members of the New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), who is reportedly planning a rally in Princeton this weekend. Valle spoke at the August rally.
According to reporter Jared Holt, Valle caught Park Police and Secret Service off-guard with his demonstration, and as he did not file a permit may be subject to fines.
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