We almost forgot about this non-entity, but it’s good to know he’s still around spreading good cheer, this time by allegedly setting fire to a gas station with him and his wife in it!
JEFFERSONVILLE, NY – Jacques Pluss, the onetime member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) who used to be a college professor until his neo-Nazi ties were revealed, was arrested on charges that he intentionally started a fire at a town gas station and country store.
According to news reports, a fuel line from a propane tank at the rear of the Sunoco Country Store was damaged on Sept. 29, igniting the leaking fuel. A good Samaritan put out the fire using a fire extinguisher from inside the store, holding it down until the fire department could get there and turn off the tanks, avoiding a disaster. An investigation found that the fuel line had been intentionally damaged and the leaking gas had been intentionally ignited. Pluss, who lives in nearby Kenoza Lake and was in the gas station with his wife who works there and was the first to alert others to the smell of smoke, was seen on video surveillance walking behind the building just before the incident, and authorities believed they had enough evidence to arrest him on Oct. 12.
In 2005, Pluss was a history professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, when it was learned, particularly though the NSM website that he was not only a member but in charge of the “Office of Information.” He was fired in March of that year, with the University officials citing missed classes, but Pluss maintained it was for his political views. After Holocaust denier David Irving’s U.S. speaking tour was routed in 2009 by antifa, Pluss left One People’s Project an angry and threatening voice message accusing the organization of spreading hate, wishing that its members would drop dead, further saying that, “(Y)ou sure will if I have any say in it,” and ending it with, “Fuck off, gang! Heil Hitler!”
In Jan. 2011, Pluss was arrested during a morning raid while still living in his Ridgewood, NJ apartment with his then-girlfriend now wife after police learned that he made several threats over the Internet against then-Anti-Defamation League Director Abraham Foxman. During the raid, police seized his computer and three rifles, which he was not allowed to have due to an existing restraining order. Pluss was later charged with bias intimidation and harassment. Pluss later filed a federal lawsuit claiming he and his girlfriend were brutalized during the raid. In 2012, he pleaded guilty to a reduced weapons charge in 2012, and received three years probation.
Pluss was taken to the Sullivan County, NY Jail for this latest infraction in lieu of $25,000 bail.
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