His face looked fine since the punch heard ’round the world, but when he came out to this weekend’s Students for Liberty Conference, they worked to bruise his ego.
WASHINGTON, DC – Almost a month after he became an internet meme when he was punched in the face by an unknown person on Inauguration Day, White Supremacist Richard Spencer showed up this weekend at a libertarian conference, many of who’s attendees confronting him in the hotel’s restaurant making it clear he wasn’t welcome.
Spencer, the head of the White Supremacist National Policy Institute, sat in a restaurant booth at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park where the International Students for Liberty Conference was being held, and argued with a crowd of attendees for almost an hour before the restaurant management asked everyone to leave. Many were particularly angry and ridiculed him over his now-viral video of him getting punched, to which Spencer at one point was compelled to say, “I actually can take a punch…The criticism that I can’t is objectively false!” Cesar Subervi, a Dominican right-wing activist organized what they called a “breakout session” and is seen sitting next to Spencer in video complaining about antifa attacking him because he supported Donald Trump.
Libertarian writer Jeffrey Tucker the content director for the Foundation for Economic Education told Spencer to his since-healed face that he was not welcome at the conference. “You don’t belong here,” he said. Students for Liberty opposes everything that you stand for.”
Here’s video of Richard Spencer getting kicked out of the conference he “wasn’t invited to,” according to my source pic.twitter.com/LGYkRVK4ln
— Alexander Rubinstein (@AlexR_DC) February 19, 2017
Spencer was invited to the conference by a small group calling itself the Hans Hermann Hoppe Caucus, named after a University of Nevada anarcho-capitalist and anti-democracy professor that, among other things, promotes the idea of secession. According to its Facebook page, the group originally planned to invite White Supremacist attorney Sol Invictus to the conference but were reportedly not able to get the funds to do so. Among its co-founders is Mitchell Steffen, a former Liberty Conservative field organizer who boasts a Pepe the Frog picture on his Facebook page, Pepe the Frog often being associated with the neo-Fascists that call themselves the “alt-right”.
Spencer left the hotel after first requesting a security escort for him and his colleagues.
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