We hope that the two construction workers that were hurt in the lighting strike in Atlantic City today recover quickly and are back on the job soon. The one that was killed – well, if you are in A.C., particularly at a place called the Boneyard on Virginia Ave., and you see a bunch of boneheads that are Rastafarian, Buddhists, Shinto or any other religion that does NOT include a God that would take your ass out with a lightning bolt, that might be due the fact that they may be feeling rejected since said lightning bolt just cost them a leader. Bryan Bradley was the reputed head of the Atlantic City “Skinheads”, and while the mainstream press has been talking about the lightning strike, Nazis all over the internet are doing their usual “See You in Valhalla” tributes to this guy – even though Odin is one of those gods who likes to throw lightning at you when he’s pissed!
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. – It has been learned that the construction worker that was struck by lightning and killed at a casino construction site Thursday was Bryan Bradley, reputed head of the neo-Nazi crew Atlantic City “Skinheads”.
According to news reports, two workers were finishing concrete on the seventh floor of the 48-story Revel Casino during a fierce thunderstom when the bucket lift they were using was struck. “One guy got a glancing hit, and he sustained a minor injury,” fire Chief Dennis Brooks said. “Another guy (Bradley) got the full brunt of it. We did CPR all the way down to him and on the way to the hospital.”
At 710 feet tall, the Revel casino will be the second tallest building in the State of New Jersey, after the Goldman Sachs building in Jersey City.
The Atlantic City “Skinheads” (ACS), or AC “Skins”, have been around for over twenty years, and are seen at punk shows in South Jersey, Philadelphia and Delaware. In 2005, one of its associates Walter Dille, carjacked and killed a black woman as she sat outside a movie theatre in her car in Atlantic City. He is now serving a life sentence for the murder. The racist, misogynistic band Call the Paramedics also has members who are associates of ACS.
Bradley lived in Linwood, NJ.
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