
The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! National Policy Institute to Hold Another Recruiting Conference During Conservative Political Action Conference in DC

March 5, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Rotunda Room, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
ALERT! National Policy Institute to Hold Another Recruiting Conference During Conservative Political Action Conference in DC @ Rotunda Room, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

Here they go again. National Policy Institute (NPI) is having another conference. The White supremacist organization has been holding at two per year as of late, and one of them is always during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) so they can recruit people from that event into their ranks. Just like the upcoming American Renaissance (AmRen) conference, organizers see what Donald Trump is stirring up as a boon to them and they are going to take full advantage of it. This one will happen on the evening of March 5, right after CPAC concludes and attendees begin hanging out in DC for the weekend. As their official announcement of their event reads:

“Donald Trump has disrupted business as usual . . . he’s uncovered the gulf separating the Republican Party from the people who vote for it . . . he’s defeated the billionaire donors by being one himself . . . he’s taken celebrity culture and turned it into nationalism . . . he’s the candidate from the heartland and the candidate from the Internet . . .
Most of all, Trump has—perhaps unknowingly, perhaps instinctively—raised the specter of identity politics.”

NPI’s last conference was at one of the favorite haunts in Washington, DC, the National Press Club, on Halloween. This one will be at the other one, the Ronald Reagan Building. Two of the speakers from Halloween, NPI Executive Director Dick Spencer and anti-Semitic college professor Kevin MacDonald along with pretend comedian Paul Ramsey (aka Ramzpaul) will be the three stooges speaking. And you can expect opposition just as there always is at an NPI event.