
The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! Oppose Milo at University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

December 13, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Student Union
2200 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53211
ALERT! Oppose Milo at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee @ University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | United States

Before Dick Spencer became the face of the neo-fascism calling itself the “alt-right”, his friend Milo Yiannopoulos had that role. As one of the editors at he was the writer who gave away the store when he wrote a flowery article about the “alt-right”, putting that spotlight on for good. He even got banned from Twitter before Spencer was. We could go on for days about all of his stunts of harassing people in the name of fascism, but if people are protesting him you can pretty much surmise that folks know how much of a scumbag he is. That’s why people are opposing him at every college campus he shows up at during his speaking tour, where all he will do is stand on a stage, call people names and leave without teaching anyone anything except hate politics is profitable. This is just one of several places he is scheduled to appear. We have provided links to the opposition that will greet him when he infests a campus. In the case of this event, Turning Point USA, the latest in organizations that goes out to college campuses to create conservative student activists, is sponsoring this outing.